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  • 20% off on ORCHARD/ALFALFA
  • Off 10%! TIMOTHY


Product Name Unit Price Stock
3 string Orchard

$ 18/bale

In Stock
2 string Orchard

$ 10/bale

In Stock


Orchard Hay

2 and 3 string Orchard

In the last three years, we’ve received much feedback from customers stating how much they love the quality of our Orchardgrass / alfalfa mix in three tie bales but were hoping we had the same high quality in just a pure orchardgrass bale. Our response? Let’s create our own orchardgrass hay program and only bale the leafiest, greenest, and softest windrows available.

Orchard grass is a highly palatable grass hay with a high nutrient content. It is higher in protein at 10-12% than Timothy, but contains roughly the same levels of calcium and phosphorus. Orchard has a higher fiber digestibility compared to Timothy, and the high nutrient intake translates into potentially less grain supplementing.

Sourced thoughtfully from a 5,000 acre custom hay operation in Idaho, our 2nd cut orchardgrass/alfalfa mixed hay is a perfect blend of 50% alfalfa and orchardgrass packed into heavy 120+lb bales.

Hay Type: Grass Hay

Grade: Premium

Bale Format: 2,3 string Orchard

Use: Horse

Available for Pickup: On appointment

Uses of Orchard Hay

Orchardgrass is one of the highest quality grasses that is a good hay option for horses, cattle and other livestock

Benefits of Orchard Hay

In cattle, sheep and goat diets, it produces a superior body weight gain and milk production compared to other grasses, making it a great choice for pregnant, lactating and even growing animals.

Orchardgrass is also used to stabilize soils in sites disturbed by logging, burns, and mining.


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